On the way back we stopped by a diner that I'm pretty sure was making their profits for the year by being nearly the only place open for breakfast at around 2 in the morning. They only had two servers though and three floors of seats that were for the most part full of people. Seeing as they had no public restroom though, I had to cajole the others with me to ask for a seat in order to use the facilities... but when I exited the bathroom I found out the others had decided to leave and were waiting for me outside. The friend waiting for me pointed out that the restaurant wasn't even cooking food for each customer they had buffets of breakfast laid out... at which point we grabbed handfuls of bacon and ran.
It was a great round of partying with pizza ordered afterward instead of attempting to stay in the hellish diner. And now that I have had some time to think about it, here is my list for 2012. Not resolutions, just goals, and screw having to make them measurable:
- Train for a half marathon
- Restart training in freestyle wrestling... failing that (or in addition) Join a BJJ or MMA club
- Be nicer and more sociable (whatever this means)
- Try exercises to be more calm whether breathing, yoga, meditation
- Send a letter through the regular post at least once a month
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