Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Blah. I was late to statistics today. However, the room looks great for Wednesday A.M. Inspection (WAMI) which I stayed up an extra hour to clean the room for. We are getting a new Tac NCO Thursday, so everyone is on guard. SFC Bright is straight out of the Infantry and has already expressed that he is not impressed with our company area. There is a company run on Friday morning. Everyone is "girding their loins" so to speak, because every time a new Tac NCO comes around they have to establish themselves as in charge and as a proficient NCO. We basically have no idea how the rest of the year is going to go. West Point is run very differently from the way the regular Army is, so it's usually a rough transition for both the company and the new Tac NCO.

In addition to having a pretty clean room today I also did great on the Physics Written Partial Review (WPR) which is a major test often being as much as 10% of your total grade. I have an International Relations WPR tomorrow morning in class, but that won't require nearly as much studying. Statistics is going to require just a little bit of nose to the grindstone unfortunately I can hardly focus on Day 2's at 0730 in the morning. The material is all a little bit dry... and I was falling asleep at the beginning of the semester a lot. Sorry if this is a bit straight-forward. Typical school life, with a couple exceptions here and there.

For instance this afternoon we took functionable M16 rifles and practiced target acquisition in the hallway. Most of us wore our Army Physical Fitness Uniform (APFU) but more commonly called PTs for Physical Training (PT). We also wore Load Carrying Vests (LCV), which I cannot figure out how to adjust to make fit better. There is more than a fist's distance between my body and the vest the way it hangs at some points, yet it's a snug fit for some of the boys. At the end of the ruck march the other day as we sat on a rock I asked S.,

"Why is it that the ruck that fits you comfortably... is supposed to fit me too?"

The frame, while much more comfortable than the previous Vietnam-era one, is still huge in comparison with my body. I was carrying about 40 lbs of weight on me if you don't count the LCV.

There was a ruckus in the hallway today though. Apparently someone in company is opposed to a mandatory company run to welcome the new Tac NCO this Friday morning. This somebody was making their opinions 'Loud' and 'Clear' in front of everyone. It definitely was not what you wanted subordinates in the company to see. I'm not sure what the result was or who had the right of way or who got their way for that matter. Let's say someone who has already familiarized me with the SOP was referencing a different chapter to support their case. I don't see the harm in a morning run, when frequently people work out here in the morning even if they have graded requirements and besides we will be working out in the mornings in the Army. I wonder what the punishment will be for being late in that scenario.

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